Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Why Treating TMJ Is So Difficult
by Christian Goodman

If you suffer from TMJ, you've probably come here after researching the subject for a while. The reason you're here is that you've found no reliable method. You have visited lots of information sites, maybe read some books and they all say the same thing: There is no reliable cure for TMJ!

The only thing doctors can do is give out strong pain relief medicines or muscle relaxation drugs. There is nothing else they can do.

All these medicines fail. Even if they reduce the pain a little for a while in the beginning, they'll stop working, little by little, as your body gets immune to them.

Some dentist specialize in TMJ. They put a dental implant in your mouth. It may well be worth getting these implants. They may save you from grinding your teeth at night. But most likely, they won't relief your pain.

So why do TMJ experts fail you?

It's not really their fault. This is a very complicated this condition. There is probably no one cause for all TMJ. Most likely, it's more like a combination of many factors. What makes this even more complicated is, the factors are most likely both emotional and physical.

Intense stress, grief, or anger often trigger TMJ. So can injuries (from a car accident for example). You may not even have noticed it when you accidentally bumped into something. Few days later, you began to feel this pain in your jaw. There is often no way of knowing what originally triggered your TMJ. Okay, enough of what we don't know?

We know for a fact, the jaw joints are always misplaced to some degree. Tiny misplacement can be enough to cause terrible pain. Some patients think the irritation is even worse than the pain. Here are some obvious symptoms...

Clicking, popping jaw joints Grating sounds. Jaw locking opened or closed. Extreme pain in cheek muscles. Uncontrollable jaw or tongue movements. Clenching or grinding at night. Discomfort or pain to any of these areas. Limited opening. Inability to open the jaw smoothly or evenly. Jaw deviates to one side when opening. Inability to "find bite" with teeth. Frequent, migraine type headaches.

... just to name few.

What we also know is that the muscles around the jaw are always tense. Sometimes they're torn a little, sometimes they're sore, but they're always tense. Weak, tense muscles do not support the jaw in the right way and will actually push it out of position, making this big part of the problem.

The same thing happens when people suffering back problems. The back muscles are weak and tense. The problem may have begun by putting too much strain on the back or working in a wrong position. Or it may have begun with a small injury that didn't seem so bad at the time.

To avoid the mild pain, the muscles in the back get tense. It jut happens. This is a function nature gave us to deal with pain. The real problem begins when the tension in the back muscles push the spine (even just a little bit) out of place. What should only have been minor problem if the person had exercised and strengthen the back muscles, is now chronic, serious condition.

I'm telling you this because TMJ develops the same way. Your TMJ may have began as minor problem like short period of intense feelings or light bump on the jaw. Then as your jaw muscles get more tens and push the jaw out of position, it has developed into a major condition. This is the beginning of series of other problems.

Now the two jaw joints do not cooperate together. They're unbalanced and uncontrollable. It shouldn't really come as surprise that everything gets stuck. The pain is unbearable. It's like begin constantly tortured.

Nerves get squeezed. Either directly by the misplaced jaw or the tense muscles around it. The same nerves lie around the jaw as the ears. The same nerves that control the balance system. That's why you may experience dizziness or lack or balance for example?

There is no isolation when it comes to muscles. All muscles in your body are interconnected. Either directly or through the nerve system. If your jaw muscles get tense, so will all muscles closely connected to it. Most obvious example is your neck and shoulders. I'm sure they've turned into rocks since your TMJ began to develop. Right?

Less noticeable is the tension in all the small muscles in your head. Including your other face muscles, tongue, throat and even eyes. You may also feel like your throat is narrower now than before (you're not crazy it's true).

All this tension put together causes many of the secondary symptoms of TMJ. Including... arm and finger tingling, numbness and or pain ... pain of the hard palate in the mouth ... tongue pain ... voice fluctuations ... swallowing difficulties ... hissing, buzzing, ringing, or roaring sounds ... blurring of vision ... watering of the eyes ... swallowing difficulties.

...plus endless other secondary symptoms, some people experience but others don't.

The only way to permanently cure TMJ, is to loosen up and strengthen the jaw muscles and also all the other muscles around the it. This can be accomplished using easy, yet extremely effective exercises:

1) Working directly on the jaw muscles strengthen and loosens them up. Healthy jaw muscles guide the jaw joints into right position instead of misplacing them.

2) The tongue exercises, loosen up the tongue muscle. Even healthy people have too much tension in their tongue. People who suffer from TMJ are way off balance there.

3) The throat exercises strengthen the throat. The throat muscles are some of these 'hidden' muscles we seldom pay attention to. They're however extremely important and if they're stiff, you'll suffer several symptoms in your throat.

4) The neck and shoulder muscles are directly connected to the Jaw muscles. These muscles are usually the first one to freeze when the jaw muscles get stiff. They can, however, easily be put back into regular function using powerful neck and shoulder exercises.

5) The breathing exercises will nurture and loosen up all the muscles in your head. What's more, they'll will also relief any emotional stress built up in your muscles. You'll be amazed how effective they're.

Thousands of people have already used these exercises to permanently cure their TMJ. Considering how complex this condition is, it's amazing how well they work for many people.

But before you get your hope to high, I'm going to be brutally honest...

It varies a lot how quickly people receive relief using these exercises. Some people get healed almost over night. Others need up to 2 months to get acceptable results. You've been developing this condition for years (even if you just recently experienced the symptoms). So be patient waiting for results.

The muscles around the jaw must regain their old strength and flexibility. So must the jaw muscle itself. But that's not enough. The jaw muscles must guide and lock the jaw joints into natural healthy position. This happens little by little (often fraction of an inch a day).

Christian Goodman - learn more at his natural health alternative website - is a well known health researcher. His Tmj Treatment Programhas been proven extremely effective to quickly heal TMJ, Tooth Grinding (clenching) And Bruxing.

Monday, December 22, 2008

The Truth Behind Blood Pressure and Obesity
by Christian Goodman

Lately, news has been going around that obese people may not be at such risk of high blood pressure and heart disease at all, contrary to what was previously thought.

Yes, it looks as if the stereotype that we've all come to accept is simply not true, as shown by recent researches.

Surprisingly, and contrary to everything we've thought and believed for years, this study indicates that about half of all overweight people have normal blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

It now looks as if half of all obese people are actually considered to be otherwise healthy.

This national study has also cast a shadow over the overall health of the thinner portion of the population by reporting that an amazing one-half of thinner and visually "fit" people are at risk for high blood pressure and heart disease.

Fifty one percent of the obese people were reported to have normal blood pressure, blood sugar, triglyceride and cholesterol levels while over a quarter of the "thin" people (those within the recommended height and weight range) had raised levels in at least two of these factors.

Those that were of healthy weight and had high blood pressure were those that had a larger waist measurement. This signifies that internal fat deposits surrounding the abdominal organs were responsible for the greatly increased risk.

While there have been exceptions in both categories, this is the first time that a national health study has detailed millions of exceptions to what we have always considered as "norm" in our society.

With a growing debate over a standardized method of calculating what is "overweight", many in the medical research industry are now pointing to waist size as being a more critical factor that mere weight in controlling these factors including blood pressure.

Now, while this is good news to many people, this is definitely an alarming news to those who felt comfort based on the fact that they are not overweight. Regardless of height or weight, everyone should monitor their blood pressure constantly as a precaution and preventive measure.

There are some tips that you can do to help you reach the most accurate blood pressure reading. They include but are not limited to the following:

-Stay away from caffeine and nicotine for at least half an hour prior to a blood pressure test is to be taken.

-Wear short sleeves so that the upper arm can be exposed with little or no effort.

-Sit quietly with your back supported, both feet flat on the floor, and arms resting on a table at heart level for at least five minutes prior to the test.

-Always have your blood pressure tested when your bladder is empty. A full and uncomfortable bladder can easily skew a blood pressure reading.

-Ask for two readings, two minutes apart so that you may get an average.

One thing remains constant regardless of age, height, weight, or waist size, and that is prevention of high blood pressure can only be done with accurate and frequent monitoring.

If you have high blood pressure and are suffering from it, you can benefit from my Hypertension Program, which helps bring your blood pressure down naturally and quickly. And if you are overweight, you can check out my Weight Loss Breeze Program.

Warm regards,

Christian Goodman

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Hypertension During Pregnancy

I travel often, in fact more often than not. It seems that I see women everywhere scurrying through their daily lives, the same as me. But these women are carrying a new life. A little person completely dependent upon them for survival - not the same as me! Pregnancy amazes me.

Unfortunately for some, pregnancy does not allow for a "normal" daily life. Certain conditions such as Pregnancy Induced Hypertension can create emotional as well as serious physical concerns.

Those with chronic hypertension are already battling high blood pressure before pregnancy occurs. Less than 10% of pregnant women though will end up with Pregnancy Induced Hypertension (PIH). PIH is sometimes also referred to as preeclampsia.

Both conditions, however, can pose serious health threats to both mother and baby. There are also cases of gestational high blood pressure which do not necessarily pose the same risks, but can increase the chances of the mother later developing PIH.

Why PIH poses problems

Blood flow to different systems in the body is hindered with high blood pressure. Because of the lack of blood flow, the baby can suffer too.

A number of complications can occur including inadequate fetal growth or even abruption from the placenta.

Worse, PIH left untreated can lead to seizures, the mother's death and/or fetal death.

A few symptoms of Pregnancy Induced Hypertension

constant or extreme nausea blurred vision edema hypertension

Each symptom alone does not necessarily mean that PIH is present. It is usually a combination of two or more symptoms.

These systems may result in regular trips to the doctor for monitoring to determine if PIH has developed is or likely to develop.

PIH Treatment

Having the baby is the best cure for the mother, but not necessarily the best option for the baby. The baby may not yet be developed enough to sustain life outside the womb.

More than likely, increased or total bed rest is recommended for the duration of the pregnancy. This can be for weeks or even months.

The stress of a complicated pregnancy affects not just the mother, but those who love them especially the father or partner. I've spoken with a number of fathers whose own blood pressure soared as a result of such stress and tension during pregnancy.

Reducing stress can play a big part in the emotional and physical health of a pregnant woman. Most babies are born healthy and leave the parents overjoyed even after a difficult pregnancy. It is vital though not to neglect your pre-natal care.

Whether you are experiencing a normal, healthy pregancy or a more complicated one, my blood pressure program can assist with stress reduction. Both partners can benefit greatly by reducing anxiety during such a sensitive time.

Friday, December 12, 2008

12 Steps To A Healthy Blood Pressure

by Christian Goodman

Even the medical community who have been doing research on blood pressure for decades say that about 95% of high blood pressure problems have unknown causes, and you can have it without even knowing it, even if you feel healthy. For this reason, you must be on guard and monitor your blood pressure, and have it checked on a regular basis.

As you know, smoking and coffee causes a temporary rise in your blood pressure, so don't smoke or drink coffee for at least thirty minutes before you have your blood pressure taken. If you're a smoker, you should know that you have a higher risk of developing high blood pressure than a non-smoker.

Other factors that increase your risk include high cholesterol, diabetes, stroke, heart disease or another medical condition or if you're over the age of 60 or of menopausal age. When you check your blood pressure, be aware that fluctuations are normal, and a one time high reading doesn't necessarily mean you have hypertension. It's when those readings are consistently elevated that a diagnosis is usually made. Sometimes other medications you may be taking can contribute to raising your blood pressure.

There are changes you can make in your diet and in your lifestyle that can help reduce the risk and possibly even prevent high blood pressure. These are listed below. The more you can adopt into your life, the more you lower your risk for developing hypertension.

> Limit alcohol to two drinks per day or even less

> Maintain a healthy weight and lose weight if needed

> Cut your fat intake to less than 30%

> Limit added salt and be mindful of sodium content in prepared foods

> Exercise regularly at a moderate level of intensity several times a week

> Stop smoking

> Be sure you get at least 1000 mg (milligrams) of calcium every day. Good sources are dairy products, broccoli, canned salmon, figs, tofu and kale

> You also need 2500-3000 mg of potassium daily. Get that from fresh veggies and fruit, nuts and dairy products. Look for low fat brands of dairy products.

> Get 350-400 mg of magnesium daily. You'll find it in dark green veggies, whole grains, seafood, legumes, nuts, and soybeans.

> Get a good night's sleep. Inadequate sleep can actually raise your blood pressure even higher if you already have hypertension.

> Relax more. Reduce the stress in your life, particularly if you have risk factors for high blood pressure. Consider taking up yoga or meditation to learn how to relax.

> If you drink a lot of coffee (more than 2-4 cups) every day, consider cutting back or eliminating it altogether. It can help lower your blood pressure, but only slightly.

One more thing that you can do to lower your blood pressure is by utilizing my Natural High Blood Pressure Program. I developed this program to help you lower your readings naturally.

All it takes are a few simple exercises that you do daily, and requires only a few minutes of your time. Hundreds of people have already successfully lowered their blood pressure in a safe and natural way by using the program.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Hypertension - Who Doesn't Have It?

by Christian Goodman

An increasing number of people have been suffering the effects of hypertension in the last thirty years.

Because our genes have not changed all that much in the past one hundred years or so, our genes cannot be the cause for this sudden rise in issues relating to high blood pressure.

Another reason being used for the increase in hypertension is our change in diet. However, this can not be the entire cause either.

Centuries ago, people have already been eating fatty foods, and there were fewer cases of hypertension then as compared to now.

So what is causing hypertension to be on the rise, if it is not what doctors and the medical community claims that it is?

In other words, while genes and diet may have some sort of an effect on the number of people suffering from hypertension today, and the surprising growth over the past thirty years or so, there is a completely different cause that not enough people have made themselves aware of.

The stressful lives that we live actually has an astonishingly powerful impact on our bodies and our health, and this can cause hypertension in many people.

As a result, over the span of the past thirty years the number of people suffering from hypertension has climbed by leaps and bounds.

Attributing this sudden boom in the disease to diet, genes and other less effective causes will not allow us to overcome a condition that can be treated and cured with the right treatment program.

The stressful lives that we are leading can have an important effect on our health which we are only beginning to understand.

While it was previously thought that stress was a purely emotional and mental issue, it is becoming increasingly apparent that stress can have a profound effect on the physical body, causing ailments like hypertension, ulcers, stomach problems and a variety of other issues.

Fighting these sicknesses will not be by using pills or visiting the doctor, but instead will rely greatly on reducing stress.

The fact that "conventional" treatments are not working is what makes hypertension such a prevalent issue in today's medical community. People with hypertension are still afflicted with the condition, desperately seeking for answers and cures that the medical community cannot offer them.

I am presenting a totally different program for curing hypertension, which is based on the real, most prevalent cause for hypertension.

The truth about hypertension, what causes it, and why it has become a common condition, and what it really takes to repair the damage done by stress will be revealed in this unique high blood pressure program that I have come up with.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

How TMJ is caused by Anxiety and Wrong Body Position
by Christian Goodman

TMJ (short for Temporomandibular Joint Disorder) is a disorder concerning the joint that connects the jaw to the skull. This disorder often results in dysfunction in the movements and position of the jaw, which aggravates over time if left untreated. It is estimated that over 11 million Americans may suffer from TMJ at any given time.

Discomfort and pain in the neck and jaw are often felt my TMJ sufferers. Migraines and Fibromyalgia may even develop over time.

TMJ, experts say, is caused by constant movement of the jaw beyond its standard limits, such as sideways or forward, which in turn is caused by excessive gum chewing, nail biting, dental inattention, or trauma (accident).

Yet many other individuals suffer from TMJ despite steering clear of all its known causes. Is this due to a new, exciting, previously-unknown cause, one that would mark a colossal new way of looking at TMJ?

Well, yes and no. Yes, because not many know about these new causes, and no, because they shouldn't surprise you - these are what causes TMJ in the first place.

The first cause would be due to anxiety.

You're probably familiar with this. Your muscles tighten, you tremble, and your jaw stiffens when you feel scared, apprehensive, or anxious. When you deal with anxiety on a regular basis, what do you think happens to you?

Think of the occasional aches and pains that seem to come out of nowhere. Did it ever boggle you that there never seems to be a physical cause for these pains?

Well, now you know the reason. And whenever you experience stress and unconsciously set your jaw, it may eventually lead up to a TMJ problem.

Wrong body positioning is the next cause.

Our parents have often told us to sit up and walk straight when we were kids. You probably did not listen if you are suffering from back problems now.

The same is true for TMJ. Wrong jaw positions - too far out or in - is caused by sitting the wrong way or sitting too much.

On the Discovery Channel, when you see these women from developing countries carry heavy loads on top of their heads, have you ever wondered why they don't suffer from shoulder, neck, and jaw problems despite carrying these loads everyday?

The simple reason is this-they carry the loads directly over their heads. In this way, the muscles in their neck and shoulders sustain the weight in a way that nature designed them to.

But as soon as the women tip their heads forward, the weight would instantly cause them to tip forward and lose their balance.

Can you see the connection?

Your head is not heavy at all when it is aligned with the body. But when it is not, as when you tip forward, it feels a bit heavier. Your neck and shoulder muscles often cannot support the extra load, so your jaw exerts effort to keep the head level.

Over time, the extra strain manifests in a TMJ disorder.

In any case, most doctors prescribe painkillers to ease the pain of TMJ, but these medications rarely work in the long term. These medications may ease the pain temporarily, but do nothing to alleviate TMJ's root causes.

My TMJ No More Program does just that. It effectively targets the root causes of TMJ with simple exercises that relax the muscles around the TMJ and restore the jaw's natural position. My program will successfully cure those who suffer from this disorder.

Does it work? Apparently, hundreds of my customers who have tried it themselves definitely think so. Check out my TMJ No More program and see what brought the smiles back on their faces.

Warm Regards,

Christian Goodman

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Can You Lose Weight ... the right way?

by Christian Goodman

It is common sense that you can't expect to lose weight in 3 weeks what took you 3 years or more to put on, right?

Well, for some they probably canbut it will only be temporary. Losing weight in a slow, steady manner is the healthiest way you can do it, and it's also the only way to keep it off for good.

It requires not just a diet plan, those don't work. It requires a change of lifestyle. You know why so many people can't lose weight, or have such a hard time trying? Because they don't want to accept the truth that there is no quick, fast, easy way to do it.

You must remove those habits that made you overweight. And you must have more body movement. The word 'exercise' makes us cringe, most of the time. But it doesn't have to be a task that you dislike and it doesn't have to be something that occupies most of your time. You just need to move your body more. The more you do that, the easier it becomes and in time, you may actually come to look forward to it and truly miss it on those occasions when you can't do it.

Healthy weight loss takes time and typically you'll see only a pound or two per week. Can you accelerate this with exercise? You bet. The combination of a healthy, sensible diet, balanced with all the food groups and exercise 3-5 times a week for 30 minutes will show you hard proof that you don't need the latest fad diet making the rounds to get to your ideal weight.

You don't even have to turn your world upside down all at once. Start making small changes that cumulatively will make a huge difference. If you're hooked on soda, try to change to water. If you repeatedly skip breakfast, make it a point to eat breakfast at least 3 times a week. This one really works, you'll find you feel so much better on the days you eat breakfast, you'll soon be doing it by choice.

Refrain from eating too much fast food, and some of the overly processed foods that have very little nutritional value. Use whole grain bread instead of white bread. Little changes. Little by little, as you find out what healthy feels like, you will definitely be attracted to do more and more of it.

Losing weight the healthy way doesn't mean cutting foods out completely, even 'bad-for-you' foods. It's unreasonable to think you'll never again eat another piece of birthday cake or Thanksgiving stuffing or Christmas candy. If you're watching what you eat, even 80% of the time, the other 20% you can relax a bit.

Something else that's missing from the lives of most overweight people is oxygen. You'd be amazed at how much more quickly your body is able to burn fat when given enough oxygen. I designed a program that will give your body the oxygen it so dearly craves.

My 'Weight Loss Breeze' program interlaces perfectly with your weight loss efforts. Just a few simple exercises that only take a few short minutes each day, but have an astonishing effect on your weight loss efforts. Combine Weight Loss Breeze with sound nutrition and even without exercise, you can watch the pounds melt away.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Will Nothing Heal High Blood Pressure?
by Christian Goodman

Over and over again I receive emails from people who have tried everything to lower their - up to 210/140 high - blood pressure. They've been on medications for years and take every supplements known to man.

Like that wasn't enough, they also tell me their father, mother, grandfather and grandfather plus several aunts and uncles suffered soaring blood pressure. So it must be in their genes, right?

Most often, their question is pretty much the same...

"Is this program really going to help me in this critical condition?"

I have decided to answer this question in this blog, in view of the fact that it is so common.

Hypertension is caused by wrong diet or genetic factors. But it is only a small portion of the problem. The biggest part is because of thinking patterns and emotions.

We react to stimulation around us for approximately 24 hours a day. We are awake for at least 16 hours, and we are under internal or external pressure constantly. Our body is not in its top form to deal with these stimulation. In any case this technological world is only a few years old.

Never do we realize as we are use to it, as to how unappealing this constant stimulation is.

Let me take a little example from the simple world I grew up in.

In my childhood , I use to stay with my parents in the city, they had a farm in the country side, and my grandmother use to look after the farm.

I love to spend the summers on the farm, and most importantly i loved the horses.

Out on the farm we did not require to cross the road and we could ride forever. There were only a few tractors and we had a few cars but they were far between.

We began to train the youngsters around four years old during the summers. We started slowly and later on they were very calm and were easy to handle. By the end of the second or third year in training we brought them to the city in the winters.

Now the main part comes...

Perhaps you won't believe, as to how frightened these young horses were when they faced the city. These fast cars, screaming people and big houses all over the places. Even in their quiet stable area, The stimulation was overpowering them. They use to run away or freeze or just shook all over when we use to take them out for riding.

What did we do to help them to overcome it?

First of all, we always took them out with an older horse who was relaxed and wasn't affected by all the static. This gave the youngster confident that everything was all right.

But more essentially...

After feeding them with hays, and when everything was quiet we spent hours brushing and combing them in the evenings. We saw that we were making progress when the youngster enjoyed his treatment that he would close his eyes and even stopped eating even if the hay was in front of him.

Soon, the traffic and static didn't seem to bother the youngster as much. He had his focused brake in the evening and that gave his nerve system enough soothing so he could deal with the difficult tasks during the day. The tension in their back disappeared and you could feel them relax.

The horses are more used to this fast world, even though they are from the countryside. They do gain a lot by getting a quiet long brushing in the evenings. And the same goes for me as I think I do benefit as much from them. But nowadays its far more different.

Similar to the youngsters in training, we not only have to deal with the fast world around us. But we do need to tackle the difficult tasks and people every day. This is the reason why our nerve system is on high gear and is tense since morning till night.

Even when everything is quiet and there is no external stimulation for a short while, our brains won't let go. It keeps spinning either with all the worries we're facing or resentment about something "somebody did to us" during the day. Our system is still in the high gear. And our blood pressure may be worse than ever.

Unless we sleep the brain keeps on spinning.

Some of us may be genetically open for hypertension, our diet might temporarily flair up our blood pressure. But most importantly, our head that is our own emotions and mind are the one which actively bugs us from morning to night.

Meditation proves to be somewhat effective for hypertension. But many people has the difficulty to sit and to silence their mind for 30-60 minutes a day. Because the mind begins to spin faster than before.

There is totally no efforts required for my focused break exercises. All you need to do is to follow the direction on the audio. The second exercise is little bit like the feeling in the stable when we groom the horses when everything is quiet. The first exercise is more like a technique which I learned from one of the famous horse whisperer, who is still alive.

The idea is that everybody can follow these exercises and start benefiting very fast. There is no skill to practice and nothing to learn about. It works only if you use it, and it does not matter how bad your situation might be.

The most interesting part is , that it gives you a small break from the world. A period where there is no worries and pressures. That is the best of it. Have fun.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Natural Health - What Are You Talking About?

by Christian Goodman

Natural health means letting your body function as it was intended to, without doing things that just get in the way of the natural processes. The body is a wonderful creation, it's design very complex, and in so many cases, has the capacity to completely heal itself, if allowed to.

Believe it or not, illnesses happen when there is an imbalance in the body. Imbalance in the body includes not having enough vitamins, lack of vital minerals, too many or not enough hormones, or some other area that is not in balance. The main function of the body is to keep us in a constant state of equilibrium, called homeostasis, and many elaborate biological processes exist to attain that.

I'm certainly in no way suggesting that you turn your back on all the miracles that modern science has to offer, but even many doctors today are taking advantage of classes in natural health in order to learn more about holistic medicine and alternative therapies. Some are finally beginning to respect and appreciate the power of the body's built in defense and healing mechanisms.

Natural health does not simply mean eating whole foods or using certain products. It should be a lifestyle, it should be reflected in the way you live your life. When you are naturally healthy, you feel joyful and happy, and you don't worry about or fear death. Your life revolves around eating healthy foods, a positive outlook, regular exercise, and the right way of dealing with stress so it never bothers you.

Naturopathic doctors, who are advocates of getting healthy the most natural way as possible, focus on finding the core reasons for diseases. Treatments that support the body's natural capability to heal itself are being used. They take into account all factors that may influence the body, and they have a holistic approach to healing the body. The mind, body and spirit is being considered because when any of these areas are weak or ill, it affects the others.

As the cost of medicine and medical care increases, more and more people are using alternative medicine to find cures for their illnesses. Homeopathic treatments are being used for minor ailments, and the healing powers of herbal remedies are being rediscovered. Therapeutic massage, aromatherapy, acupuncture, and meditation, to name a few, are alternative therapies that can lead to a blissful life of natural health.

It appears like the more we advance technologically, the more we move away from anything natural, and that includes our health. The food we eat contains more chemicals than nutrients (which food group are Pop-tarts part of, anyway?), and our drinks are just chemicals in liquid form. We even have special equipments located in designated buildings to make us exercise.

All the programs I've created rely on the natural element. You can be cured without relying on pills or surgery, which seems to be the only two choices for traditional doctors. Take a good look at your life, your body and the state of health it's in, and ask yourself, "how far away have you strayed from natural health?"

Saturday, December 6, 2008

To Stop Snoring Is Essential

by Christian Goodman

Snoring certainly isn't mystery to most people. We're very familiar with it and can usually at least witness it right in our own homes.

Maybe you are the snorer, maybe you live with one. It doesn't require much more effort than falling asleep. And we all sleep.

What we cannot all readily discern however, are the reasons behind snoring.

As I embarked on my "The Stop Snoring Exercise Program" I began uncovering some of the lesser known culprits of snoring.

Reasons we snore

First of all, it may be hereditary. That's right; certain physical characteristics may just be family traits we can't avoid.

Certain deformities in the nose or enlarged parts of the throat may contribute to snoring.

Men tend to snore more often overall. And growing older is often another major contributor. The muscles (including those in and around the throat) are not as strong as they used to be.

Sinus interference such as a stuffy nose will cause snoring. And that will cause restless sleeping.

Contributors like that are not within our control.

We can change some of the other reasons that we snore. Among these 'changeable' reasons are such things as being overweight or out of shape, a history of smoking, alcohol, medications, or simply our sleep posture.

Issues from Snoring

People who snore suffer. So do those who love and live with them.

Marriages and relationships often suffer as snoring creates a divide among two people trying to sleep together. It's isolating and often prevents people from spending some of the most intimate time together.

Our physical and emotional well being suffer.

We've been subjected to enough statistics and studies to know how vital tranquil sleep is. Snoring prevents that by interupting the sleeper.

How do YOU Snore?

Detering air from flowing results in snoring. The tongue placement may be culprit for those who snore closed mouthed.

Back snoring is very common and can be alleviated by switching sleep positions. If your mouth is open when snoring, it may be the fleshy throat area creating a disturbance.

Those who snore no matter what position their mouth or body is in may have more complicated factors involved.

Improving your physical condition or bettering your sleep posture will help a large number of people who suffer.

I tailored my Stop Snoring Program for ease of learning and use. Easy daily exercises can lead to peaceful sleeping tonight!

Friday, December 5, 2008

Migraines Is The Most Common Headache

by Christian Goodman

If you suffer form very painful headaches and have done so since you were young, chances are you may suffer from migraines, which are often also experienced by other members of your family.

Migraine usually affects only one side of the head. The pain is extreme and lasts from 4-72 hours if not treated, and typically requires you to rest in bed. An attack is incapacitating, and makes the sufferer feel crippled and exhausted after the head pain has passed.

We still don't know why there can be such long periods without a headache for some people and not others. Other symptoms are usually suffered too, like light sensitivity and chills, along with a feeling of lightheadedness.

Normally, those who suffer from migraine attacks are between the ages of 10 to 40. No one knows why migraine happens in these age groups, but by the time someone reaches fifty, attacks almost never occur.

It is believed that a hereditary link is involved with migraine attacks. Members of the same family often experience migraine, but science has not proven yet that there is a genetic factor at work.

There is a condition that causes an inflammation of blood vessels in the brain and it's possible that people who suffer have sensitivity in this area. Science can't yet explain why this condition affects women than men but women have a three times greater chance of having the condition; men only have an eight percent chance of ever suffering with the problem.

Before the migraine attack, some people have a distinct warning called an aura which usually precedes the headache by 10-30 minutes. The signs for this attack seem to mostly affect the senses and can include:


Problems with vision

Reduction in the sensations of taste

Difficulty with verbal skills

This is only the most usual symptoms, others can and do happen. Migraines can also happen without the warning of an aura, and this builds up to an excruciating intensity which is made worse by continuous motion, light or noise, and often makes you nauseated and vomit.

Some medical experts believe it is the contracting blood vessels that are responsible for the migraine with aura effect. It might be that it is the expansion of the blood vessels afterwards that causes the headache; those who are afflicted say the headache is often so intense that it impedes their regular routine, disrupting daily activity and often keeping them awake at night. You may experience one or more triggers with each attack. The most common complaints are bad weather, particular foods and beverages, being at great height, bright lights, insomnia and stress.

I feel for those who experience migraine attacks, which is the reason why I created a program to help them. My Migraine and Headache Relief Program is a simple to use plan and is guaranteed to reduce and completely eliminate the debilitating pains.

With the Migraine and Headache Relief program, you'll learn several easy to do exercises that only take a few minutes a day and you won't have to live with the constant threat of migraines controlling your life anymore.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Secret of Fibromyalgia

This disorder has been difficult to understand as it is so difficult to reach a diagnosis. It can take years in some cases to rule out everything else before reaching the conclusion that fibromyalgia is the problem.

So many other conditions involve the same symptoms fibromyalgia sufferers describe.

One might assume that a strenuous work out is responsible for pain felt in the joints. Or, that pain could flag possible arthritis.

Poor sleep and feeling tired might be due to a cold or some other event in our lives.

Nausea and stomach pain seems to accompany many other illnesses too.

All of these symptoms though can also point to fibromyalgia eventually.

Given the number of common issues fibromyalgia tends to be rather elusive. It's normally only after numerous tests are performed in which other problems are not present that fibromyalgia is finally identified.

Imagine having to find out everything you don't have before finally figuring out what you do have.

Fibromyalgia treatment can involve medication, although many choose to make dietary and other health changes instead.

A healthy diet and exercise can alleviate problems with fibromyalgia a great deal.

The reduction of stress is also very powerful.

Remember too, that medication is not the only solution. My natural program for fibromyalgia has been very successful at relieving the pain people have suffered with for years.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Connection Between Being Overweight And High Blood Pressure

by Christian Goodman

There has been news lately saying that overweight people might not be at risk of high blood pressure and heart disease as was previously thought.

That's correct. It appears that the stereotype we've all been used to is not true at all, as recent studies show.

Amazingly, this study shows that 1 out of 2 overweight people have normal blood pressure and cholesterol levels, as opposed to what we've thought and believed for years.

It now appears that half of all overweight people are in fact healthy.

This national study also gave some bad news to the thinner section of the population. It states that an amazing one-half of thinner and visually "fit" people are at risk for high blood pressure and heart disease.

Fifty one percent of the overweight people had surprisingly normal blood pressure, blood sugar, triglyceride and cholesterol levels, while over a quarter of those within the recommended height and weight range were reported to have high levels of at least two of these factors.

Those included in the study that were considered to be of healthy weight were found to have elevated blood pressure when their waist measurement was larger, indicating internal fat deposits surrounding abdominal organs to be responsible for greatly increased risk.

While there have always been exceptions in either category, this is the first time that a national health study has reported literally millions of exceptions to what has long been considered the "norm" of society.

With a growing debate over a uniform method of determining what is "overweight", many in the medical research industry are now saying that waist size is a more critical factor than mere weight in controlling blood pressure and all the other health factors.

While this is definitely good news to so many people, it is also a shocking wake up call to those who felt immune to the disease based on the fact that they had thinness on their side. Regardless of height or weight, everyone should monitor their blood pressure regularly as a precaution and preventive measure.

Several tips are offered here which you can follow to help you attain the most accurate blood pressure reading. These are the following:

-Stay away from caffeine and nicotine for at least half an hour prior to a blood pressure test is to be taken.

-Wear short sleeves so that the upper arm can be exposed with little or no effort.

-Sit quietly with your back supported, both feet flat on the floor, and arms resting on a table at heart level for at least five minutes prior to the test.

-Always have your blood pressure tested when your bladder is empty. A full and uncomfortable bladder can easily skew a blood pressure reading.

-Ask for two readings, two minutes apart so that you may get an average.

One thing remains constant regardless of age, height, weight, or waist size, and that is prevention of high blood pressure can only be done with accurate and frequent monitoring.

If you have high blood pressure and are suffering from it, you can benefit from my Hypertension Program, which helps bring your blood pressure down naturally and quickly. And if you are overweight, you can check out my Weight Loss Breeze Program.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Weight Loss And Age

Weight Gain And Age
by Christian Goodman

In recent years, research studies have shown that introducing healthy oxygen into the body plays an extremely vital role in promoting good health.

Disease and other ailments can be allowed to thrive when there is not enough oxygen in the body.

Diseases and other ailments from the body can be removed by initiating healthy oxygen through the use of my exercise program.

Efforts to lose weight can be aided by oxygen, as shown in recent studies.

As we age, our breathing becomes harder.

This can have a shocking effect on our body, as the muscles in charge of our breathing becomes weak and stressed.

The muscles in charge of running our diaphragm becomes more stressed as we grow older. This is so because they are used to balance our bodies as well.

As the diaphragm becomes tenser, making it not function properly any longer, it affects our breathing in a negative way.

Unfortunately what this means for our bodies is that our metabolism is going to slow down over time, making weight loss increasingly difficult over time.

However, there is good news available to you: you can still regain your health and your capability to fight sickness by introducing healthy oxygen into your body.

Your body becomes tuned up, you will have improved health, and you will increase your natural ability to lose weight and maintain it by putting more oxygen into your body.

Your body could become a weight loss machine, virtually on auto pilot. What I mean by this is that by following my weight loss program and filling your body with healthy oxygen, you can lose weight naturally without insane diets or overwhelming exercise programs.

My exercise program is simple and innovative, and will change your life.

In the past, losing weight has been hard, but my pioneerig program is making it more simple than before. Just do the exercises outlined within it, and you will quickly see a relevant difference in your weight.

Even if you find it hard to lose weight because of old age, my weight loss breeze program is all you need to help you.