Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Can You Lose Weight ... the right way?

by Christian Goodman

It is common sense that you can't expect to lose weight in 3 weeks what took you 3 years or more to put on, right?

Well, for some they probably canbut it will only be temporary. Losing weight in a slow, steady manner is the healthiest way you can do it, and it's also the only way to keep it off for good.

It requires not just a diet plan, those don't work. It requires a change of lifestyle. You know why so many people can't lose weight, or have such a hard time trying? Because they don't want to accept the truth that there is no quick, fast, easy way to do it.

You must remove those habits that made you overweight. And you must have more body movement. The word 'exercise' makes us cringe, most of the time. But it doesn't have to be a task that you dislike and it doesn't have to be something that occupies most of your time. You just need to move your body more. The more you do that, the easier it becomes and in time, you may actually come to look forward to it and truly miss it on those occasions when you can't do it.

Healthy weight loss takes time and typically you'll see only a pound or two per week. Can you accelerate this with exercise? You bet. The combination of a healthy, sensible diet, balanced with all the food groups and exercise 3-5 times a week for 30 minutes will show you hard proof that you don't need the latest fad diet making the rounds to get to your ideal weight.

You don't even have to turn your world upside down all at once. Start making small changes that cumulatively will make a huge difference. If you're hooked on soda, try to change to water. If you repeatedly skip breakfast, make it a point to eat breakfast at least 3 times a week. This one really works, you'll find you feel so much better on the days you eat breakfast, you'll soon be doing it by choice.

Refrain from eating too much fast food, and some of the overly processed foods that have very little nutritional value. Use whole grain bread instead of white bread. Little changes. Little by little, as you find out what healthy feels like, you will definitely be attracted to do more and more of it.

Losing weight the healthy way doesn't mean cutting foods out completely, even 'bad-for-you' foods. It's unreasonable to think you'll never again eat another piece of birthday cake or Thanksgiving stuffing or Christmas candy. If you're watching what you eat, even 80% of the time, the other 20% you can relax a bit.

Something else that's missing from the lives of most overweight people is oxygen. You'd be amazed at how much more quickly your body is able to burn fat when given enough oxygen. I designed a program that will give your body the oxygen it so dearly craves.

My 'Weight Loss Breeze' program interlaces perfectly with your weight loss efforts. Just a few simple exercises that only take a few short minutes each day, but have an astonishing effect on your weight loss efforts. Combine Weight Loss Breeze with sound nutrition and even without exercise, you can watch the pounds melt away.

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