Wednesday, December 10, 2008

How TMJ is caused by Anxiety and Wrong Body Position
by Christian Goodman

TMJ (short for Temporomandibular Joint Disorder) is a disorder concerning the joint that connects the jaw to the skull. This disorder often results in dysfunction in the movements and position of the jaw, which aggravates over time if left untreated. It is estimated that over 11 million Americans may suffer from TMJ at any given time.

Discomfort and pain in the neck and jaw are often felt my TMJ sufferers. Migraines and Fibromyalgia may even develop over time.

TMJ, experts say, is caused by constant movement of the jaw beyond its standard limits, such as sideways or forward, which in turn is caused by excessive gum chewing, nail biting, dental inattention, or trauma (accident).

Yet many other individuals suffer from TMJ despite steering clear of all its known causes. Is this due to a new, exciting, previously-unknown cause, one that would mark a colossal new way of looking at TMJ?

Well, yes and no. Yes, because not many know about these new causes, and no, because they shouldn't surprise you - these are what causes TMJ in the first place.

The first cause would be due to anxiety.

You're probably familiar with this. Your muscles tighten, you tremble, and your jaw stiffens when you feel scared, apprehensive, or anxious. When you deal with anxiety on a regular basis, what do you think happens to you?

Think of the occasional aches and pains that seem to come out of nowhere. Did it ever boggle you that there never seems to be a physical cause for these pains?

Well, now you know the reason. And whenever you experience stress and unconsciously set your jaw, it may eventually lead up to a TMJ problem.

Wrong body positioning is the next cause.

Our parents have often told us to sit up and walk straight when we were kids. You probably did not listen if you are suffering from back problems now.

The same is true for TMJ. Wrong jaw positions - too far out or in - is caused by sitting the wrong way or sitting too much.

On the Discovery Channel, when you see these women from developing countries carry heavy loads on top of their heads, have you ever wondered why they don't suffer from shoulder, neck, and jaw problems despite carrying these loads everyday?

The simple reason is this-they carry the loads directly over their heads. In this way, the muscles in their neck and shoulders sustain the weight in a way that nature designed them to.

But as soon as the women tip their heads forward, the weight would instantly cause them to tip forward and lose their balance.

Can you see the connection?

Your head is not heavy at all when it is aligned with the body. But when it is not, as when you tip forward, it feels a bit heavier. Your neck and shoulder muscles often cannot support the extra load, so your jaw exerts effort to keep the head level.

Over time, the extra strain manifests in a TMJ disorder.

In any case, most doctors prescribe painkillers to ease the pain of TMJ, but these medications rarely work in the long term. These medications may ease the pain temporarily, but do nothing to alleviate TMJ's root causes.

My TMJ No More Program does just that. It effectively targets the root causes of TMJ with simple exercises that relax the muscles around the TMJ and restore the jaw's natural position. My program will successfully cure those who suffer from this disorder.

Does it work? Apparently, hundreds of my customers who have tried it themselves definitely think so. Check out my TMJ No More program and see what brought the smiles back on their faces.

Warm Regards,

Christian Goodman

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