Sunday, December 7, 2008

Natural Health - What Are You Talking About?

by Christian Goodman

Natural health means letting your body function as it was intended to, without doing things that just get in the way of the natural processes. The body is a wonderful creation, it's design very complex, and in so many cases, has the capacity to completely heal itself, if allowed to.

Believe it or not, illnesses happen when there is an imbalance in the body. Imbalance in the body includes not having enough vitamins, lack of vital minerals, too many or not enough hormones, or some other area that is not in balance. The main function of the body is to keep us in a constant state of equilibrium, called homeostasis, and many elaborate biological processes exist to attain that.

I'm certainly in no way suggesting that you turn your back on all the miracles that modern science has to offer, but even many doctors today are taking advantage of classes in natural health in order to learn more about holistic medicine and alternative therapies. Some are finally beginning to respect and appreciate the power of the body's built in defense and healing mechanisms.

Natural health does not simply mean eating whole foods or using certain products. It should be a lifestyle, it should be reflected in the way you live your life. When you are naturally healthy, you feel joyful and happy, and you don't worry about or fear death. Your life revolves around eating healthy foods, a positive outlook, regular exercise, and the right way of dealing with stress so it never bothers you.

Naturopathic doctors, who are advocates of getting healthy the most natural way as possible, focus on finding the core reasons for diseases. Treatments that support the body's natural capability to heal itself are being used. They take into account all factors that may influence the body, and they have a holistic approach to healing the body. The mind, body and spirit is being considered because when any of these areas are weak or ill, it affects the others.

As the cost of medicine and medical care increases, more and more people are using alternative medicine to find cures for their illnesses. Homeopathic treatments are being used for minor ailments, and the healing powers of herbal remedies are being rediscovered. Therapeutic massage, aromatherapy, acupuncture, and meditation, to name a few, are alternative therapies that can lead to a blissful life of natural health.

It appears like the more we advance technologically, the more we move away from anything natural, and that includes our health. The food we eat contains more chemicals than nutrients (which food group are Pop-tarts part of, anyway?), and our drinks are just chemicals in liquid form. We even have special equipments located in designated buildings to make us exercise.

All the programs I've created rely on the natural element. You can be cured without relying on pills or surgery, which seems to be the only two choices for traditional doctors. Take a good look at your life, your body and the state of health it's in, and ask yourself, "how far away have you strayed from natural health?"

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