Saturday, December 6, 2008

To Stop Snoring Is Essential

by Christian Goodman

Snoring certainly isn't mystery to most people. We're very familiar with it and can usually at least witness it right in our own homes.

Maybe you are the snorer, maybe you live with one. It doesn't require much more effort than falling asleep. And we all sleep.

What we cannot all readily discern however, are the reasons behind snoring.

As I embarked on my "The Stop Snoring Exercise Program" I began uncovering some of the lesser known culprits of snoring.

Reasons we snore

First of all, it may be hereditary. That's right; certain physical characteristics may just be family traits we can't avoid.

Certain deformities in the nose or enlarged parts of the throat may contribute to snoring.

Men tend to snore more often overall. And growing older is often another major contributor. The muscles (including those in and around the throat) are not as strong as they used to be.

Sinus interference such as a stuffy nose will cause snoring. And that will cause restless sleeping.

Contributors like that are not within our control.

We can change some of the other reasons that we snore. Among these 'changeable' reasons are such things as being overweight or out of shape, a history of smoking, alcohol, medications, or simply our sleep posture.

Issues from Snoring

People who snore suffer. So do those who love and live with them.

Marriages and relationships often suffer as snoring creates a divide among two people trying to sleep together. It's isolating and often prevents people from spending some of the most intimate time together.

Our physical and emotional well being suffer.

We've been subjected to enough statistics and studies to know how vital tranquil sleep is. Snoring prevents that by interupting the sleeper.

How do YOU Snore?

Detering air from flowing results in snoring. The tongue placement may be culprit for those who snore closed mouthed.

Back snoring is very common and can be alleviated by switching sleep positions. If your mouth is open when snoring, it may be the fleshy throat area creating a disturbance.

Those who snore no matter what position their mouth or body is in may have more complicated factors involved.

Improving your physical condition or bettering your sleep posture will help a large number of people who suffer.

I tailored my Stop Snoring Program for ease of learning and use. Easy daily exercises can lead to peaceful sleeping tonight!

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